Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Reading recommendations!!

Justyna is reading The Little Mermaid.

She thinks that you would love to read this story too!!

I think it's an imaginative story that all kids will like!

Thanks Justyna!!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Science week - Tuesday

Today 4EL have been investigating the science of colour!

We have been asking the BIG questions....


We have been using colour science to make natural dyes, just like the Vikings did!

Comment your ideas below....

When the light source hits a colour, the colour reflects on your eye.

When the light isn't on, you can't see colours. When the light is on you can see colours. 

You need to have a light source to see the colours. If an object is red, it absorbs all colours apart from red. The red bounces off and into our eyes. Our eyes will tell our brain what colour the object is.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

4EL's Amazing trip to Rand Farm

This week, we are at Rand Farm on our school trip.

Here are our favourite parts of the trip so far....

Seeing loads of animals.  Teigan 

Holding the baby chicks. Grace and Tyler

Feeding the new born lambs. Aaron 

Seeing a newborn baby lamb. Abigail C

A chicken jumping on top of my shoulder. Seeing the lemur called Wesley! Wesley

My favourite part was going to Woodside because we saw birds flying and I saw a snake. Jamie

My favourite part was grooming the horse. Abigail S

Feeding the pigs! Aiden

Feeding the animals. Justyna

Feeding the baby lambs. Billy

Stroking the dogs. Paul

Feeding the animals because it was a good laugh and I had a good time! Corie 

Holding the baby chicks. Lily

Being the first person to see a new baby lamb. Connor

Looking at the bulls. Bradley


Saturday, 1 March 2014


This week 4EL have been using adverbs to help with their reading and writing.

We used our adverbs to create this video!!