This week, we are at Rand Farm on our school trip.
Here are our favourite parts of the trip so far....
Seeing loads of animals. Teigan
Holding the baby chicks. Grace and Tyler
Feeding the new born lambs. Aaron
Seeing a newborn baby lamb. Abigail C
A chicken jumping on top of my shoulder. Seeing the lemur called Wesley! Wesley
My favourite part was going to Woodside because we saw birds flying and I saw a snake. Jamie
My favourite part was grooming the horse. Abigail S
Feeding the pigs! Aiden
Feeding the animals. Justyna
Feeding the baby lambs. Billy
Stroking the dogs. Paul
Feeding the animals because it was a good laugh and I had a good time! Corie
Holding the baby chicks. Lily
Being the first person to see a new baby lamb. Connor
Looking at the bulls. Bradley