
 MathsWelcome to 4EL's Numeracy page!
Here you will find links to great resources and tips for supporting your child at home!
The way maths is taught has changed and parents can often lack confidence with the methods their children are using at school. On this page, we will share some resources to support your understanding of these methods. Please feel free to post any comments or questions here as well!

Methods we use in school

In year 4, children will continue working with number lines and arrays to solve addition, subtraction and division problems.

An explanation of how to use number lines can be found here:

For addition:

For subtraction:

As they gain confidence with these methods, we will move towards column method for addition and subtraction, grid method for multiplication and the vertical method for division.

A good explanation of grid method can be found here:

More information and examples of all these methods can be found here.

How can I help my child at home?
1) Have a positive attitude to maths!
Research shows that your attitude to maths is one of the biggest influences on your child! Showing your child how important maths is to your life can greatly improve their ability to use and apply maths skills.

Talk to your child about:
  • Expected change from money.
  • Challenge with mental arithmetic questions.
  • Measurements, distances and weights, for example when following a recipe.
  • Challenge your child to see maths in the real world e.g. “Can you see five rectangles around us?”
  • Look at number puzzles/challenges from newspapers.
  • Share problems and ways of working out.
2) Help your child get confident with times tables!
A good understanding of times tables is really important in year 4 and knowing times tables by heart will help children with a range of problems that they come acroos in maths. By the end of year 4, children are expected to know there times tables up to 12 x 12. There are lots of fun websites that can help your child to learn their tables. We love this VERY silly site for practising tables!

For those with access to an ipad/iphone, we would also recommend these apps:

- Cloud tables
- Squeebles
- NeoMaths x
- Meteor Maths

3) Practise maths skills for learning credits
Every week we send home a 'menu' of maths homeword in our learning credit suggestions, including our table of the week.
Any practice that your child does at home can earn learning credits.
There are LOADS of great websites to support maths development.

Some of our favourites are:
Purple Mash!

I hope this page is useful, please share your thoughts and questions in the comment fields below. And let us know if you have found any great resources at home!


  1. Ive tried mad4maths i learnt my 8x tables quiklily.We had to fly dad up the tree to the top and get points on the chart.

  2. 1 have leant my 9 times tabel over the weekend. I love maths :)

  3. In super sentences we have been writing about how and why are fossil made

  4. I have been doing super sentences on how fossil are made

  5. thank you for commenting

  6. went onmad4maths and its bril!!


  8. I tried sqeebles times tables game and I learned my 12x after a few tries.

    Abi Croft
