Friday, 22 March 2013

Our weekly reflection

I learnt this week about dinosaurs dying out. I have been learning about why insects make cocoons. The caterpillar covers itself up into a cocoon and then it rips the cocoon off and changes into a butterfly or moth.

Our project question was why do we have trains underground? It's so people can get to places that are far far away that they can't get to by car or by foot. The first ever underground line was opened in London in 1863.
Jake and Keanan

It's been amazing working with Filippa to do our project. We've made a poster about volcanoes and we are proud of it and one day we'll be making our model of a volcano.

I have liked topic because I've found loads of new things out about archaeology. We found some images of archaeologists and we wrote sentences around them. We put the sentences to look like they had been dug up by the archaeologist!

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